miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Past Simple Videos

See this videos

Answer these question related with the video:

When can happen past tense?

  1. Tomorrow
  2. Yesterday
  3. Last year
Past simple is use for things that are....
  1. Finished
  2. Starting
  3. Doing now
What is the infinitive verb?
  1. Talk
  2. To talk
  3. Talked
What is the past of talk?
  1. Talk
  2. Talking
  3. Talked
What is a consonant?
  1. A letter that is not a vowel like "a"
  2. A letter that is not a vowel like "b"
  3. A letter that is a vowel like "a"
What is the past of study?
  1. Studyed
  2. Studed
  3. Studied
When can you use past simple?
  1. Habits in the past
  2. When you tell a story
  3. Talking about now

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