miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013
lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013
Present continuous videos
In this entry you have several videos to see how and when you can use present continuous.
martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013
jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013
martes, 29 de octubre de 2013
Video games
Do you like video games?
What is your favorite video game?
Complete the senteces with these verbs: fly, ride, play, fight, help, travell, drive, see.
What is your favorite video game?
Complete the senteces with these verbs: fly, ride, play, fight, help, travell, drive, see.
In Metal Gear, you can _____ people.
In Driver, you can _____ fast cars.
In Call of Duty, you can _____ online.
In God of War, you can _____ with gods.
In Grand Theft Auto, you can _____ ride a bike?
In Resident Evil, you can _____ zombies.
In Assassins Creed, you can _____ to the past.
In Devil May Cry, you can _____ .
Answer these questions:
Can you travell to the past?
Can you play online?
Can you drive fast cars?
Can you see zombies?
Can you ride a bike?
Can you fight with gods?
Can you help the people?
Can you fly?
Listen this song
martes, 8 de octubre de 2013
domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013
The Rolling Stones
Click on this link and read this interview about Rolling Stones
Answer this questions:
How many versions has the The Rolling Stones of Poison Ivy?
Was Poison Ivy known in UK?
What bands made this American songs known in UK?
Who are Chuck Berry and Slim Harpo?
What does it mean "blues purist"?
What was the first thing he wrote?
Who are the authors of "I wana be your man"?
Who wrote "As tears goes by"? Who sung this song?
Traslate this titles to Spanish:
"Confessin the blues"
"It's all over now"
"As tears go by"
"I wanna be your man"
"That girl belongs yesterday"
"I am a king bee"
"Better move on"
Opinion questions
Would you like to have a band?
Do you like Rolling Stones?
What is your favourite band?
What is your favourite instrument?
What is the best language to sing?
What was the best age to make music?
What is your favourite singer?
What is your favourite guitarist?
Complete the gaps of this song

http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_Fingers |
How many versions has the The Rolling Stones of Poison Ivy?
Was Poison Ivy known in UK?
What bands made this American songs known in UK?
Who are Chuck Berry and Slim Harpo?
What does it mean "blues purist"?
What was the first thing he wrote?
Who are the authors of "I wana be your man"?
Who wrote "As tears goes by"? Who sung this song?
Traslate this titles to Spanish:
"Confessin the blues"
"It's all over now"
"As tears go by"
"I wanna be your man"
"That girl belongs yesterday"
"I am a king bee"
"Better move on"
Opinion questions
Would you like to have a band?
Do you like Rolling Stones?
What is your favourite band?
What is your favourite instrument?
What is the best language to sing?
What was the best age to make music?
What is your favourite singer?
What is your favourite guitarist?
Complete the gaps of this song
Well if you ever plan to motor west
Just take my way that the highway that the best
Get your kicks on Route 66
Well it winds from Chicago to L.A.
More than ______miles all the way
Get your kicks on Route 66
Well it goes from St Louis, down to Missouri
Oklahoma city looks oh so ______
Youl see Amarillo and Gallup, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona don't forget Winona
Kingsman, Barstaw, San Bernadino
Would you get hip to this kindly tip
And go take that California ______
Get your kicks on Route 66
Well it goes from St. Louis, down to Missouri
Oklahoma city looks oh so pretty
Youl see Amarillo and Gallup, _______
Flagstaff, Arizona don't forget Winona
Kingsman, Barstaw, San Bernadino
Would you get hip to this kindly tip
And go take that _______ trip
Get your kicks on Route 66
Get your kicks on Route 66?
What differencies do you see among this last version and Rolling Stones version?
What do you like much?
Do you know another version?
Do you know another Spanish version?
Do you know any Spanish rock and roll?
Modal verbs; would
What have you learnt doing this post?
Broken things
We're going to see broken things and you have to explain how this happen:
What happened with this pencil?
What happened with this construction?
What happened with this tent?
What happened with this ship?
What happened with this jar?
What happened with this cockroach?
What happened with this pencil?
http://www.flickr.com/photos/rufino_uribe/354103483/sizes/z/in/photolist-xhSCt-4mLrTd-6ewwva-ekVYjG-7SaLGJ-drHpcG/ |
http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullidos,_bastardos_y_cosas_rotas |
What happened with this tent?
http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accidente_del_Paso_Diatlov |
What happened with this ship?
http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batallas_de_la_Segunda_Guerra_Mundial |
What happened with this jar?
http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historia_antigua_de_la_pen%C3%ADnsula_ib%C3%A9rica |
What happened with this cockroach?
http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blattodea |
jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013
Vocabulary video
Here you have a video to learn some words.
Make a sentence with those words that you have seen on this video
Make a sentence with those words that you have seen on this video
Ken Robinson
Interesting speeck about education made by Ken Robinson. If you don't agree with our model of education, this is your opportunity to see another interesting model.
What do you think about these opinions?
What do you think about these opinions?
jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013
domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013
True or false
There are at least 20.000 species of bees.
Bees are the best pollinators on the world.
Bees cannot pollinate tomato flowers.
Bees live like a family where there isn't a superior authority.
Thanks to the action of bees we can have a lot of fruits and vegetables every year.
Bees only live in the American continent.
A fly is bigger than a bee.
Monocultures are very valuable for bees because they have a lot of plants to collect nectar.
Hives are the places where human being live.
Bees can made honey and sugar within a hive.
Alfafa is very useful because it fertilize the soil.
There are places on the world where there aren't bees
Correct these mistakes
The farmer farm vegetables and fruits.
I have took a lot of honey in my life.
When I was a child a couple of bees sting me.
Honeybees is very intelligent and helpful for the environment.
The greehouse effect is very dangerous in the future.
I would like plant crops in my country house this year.
I bought 200 seeds to plant watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, strawberries and motorcycles.
jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013
Why bees are disappearing
1. Brainstorming word Bee.
2. Look for this words on internet.
Bumblebee-greenhouse-honeybee-harvest-beekeeper-health care-hive-crop-soil-weed-collect-seed
3. Put these words on the correct gap:
_______ population have been declined due to a shortage of flowers.
_______ is commonly referred to as "Earth".
We have created a collection of over 70 of the more troublesome _______ found in New Zealand agriculture and horticulture.
This group advances the knowledge of _______ quality, and include doctors, nurses and medical technologists.
A _______ is a person who keeps honey bees.
A _______ is a building in which plants are grown.
Bees _______ pollen from flowers to feed to their developing larvae.
The final step to profitable alfalfa production is to set goals for forage quality and use the appopriate _______ techniques.
The bees often smooth the bark sorrounding the _______ entrance.
A _______ is a volunteered or cultivated (any plant) whose is harvested by a human at some point of its growth stage.
The only fruit that has _______ growing on its outside are strawberries.
_______ may nest in all sorts of cavities such as inside walls of houses.
Who are the most important pollinators in the world?
What is the food of the bees?
Who is better pollinating the human being or the bees?
How many species of bees are in the world?
What is a honeybee?
Has the society of the bees a central authority?
What is a propolis?
Why are dying bees?
Who is the public enemy of the bees?
How can we help bees?
How many hive are lost in USA every Winter?
What is your opinion about this problem?
Do you think that a bee society is a good society? Why?
What have you learned about this speech?
Watch this other videos and make the activities inside the video.
Which differencies are among bees and wasps?
2. Look for this words on internet.
Bumblebee-greenhouse-honeybee-harvest-beekeeper-health care-hive-crop-soil-weed-collect-seed
3. Put these words on the correct gap:
_______ population have been declined due to a shortage of flowers.
_______ is commonly referred to as "Earth".
We have created a collection of over 70 of the more troublesome _______ found in New Zealand agriculture and horticulture.
This group advances the knowledge of _______ quality, and include doctors, nurses and medical technologists.
A _______ is a person who keeps honey bees.
A _______ is a building in which plants are grown.
Bees _______ pollen from flowers to feed to their developing larvae.
The final step to profitable alfalfa production is to set goals for forage quality and use the appopriate _______ techniques.
The bees often smooth the bark sorrounding the _______ entrance.
A _______ is a volunteered or cultivated (any plant) whose is harvested by a human at some point of its growth stage.
The only fruit that has _______ growing on its outside are strawberries.
_______ may nest in all sorts of cavities such as inside walls of houses.
Who are the most important pollinators in the world?
What is the food of the bees?
Who is better pollinating the human being or the bees?
How many species of bees are in the world?
What is a honeybee?
Has the society of the bees a central authority?
What is a propolis?
Why are dying bees?
Who is the public enemy of the bees?
How can we help bees?
How many hive are lost in USA every Winter?
What is your opinion about this problem?
Do you think that a bee society is a good society? Why?
What have you learned about this speech?
Watch this other videos and make the activities inside the video.
Which differencies are among bees and wasps?
domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013
domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013
Shortest man living
Read this article and answer these questions:
1. Who is the shortest living man in the world right now?
2. Who verified the record?
3. Where is he from?
4. How old is he?
5. How many brothers does he have?
6. Who had this record before?
7. When did his mother notice something strange about his height?
8. Who is a fan of Reggaeton music?
9. Who is mischievous and cheeky?
Find all the verbs in past simple:
Write 2 things where you're good and 2 that you are bad, and make 4 new record guiness.
Use comparatives and superlatives talking about this picture:
http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/size/shortest-man-living-(mobile) |
1. Who is the shortest living man in the world right now?
2. Who verified the record?
3. Where is he from?
4. How old is he?
5. How many brothers does he have?
6. Who had this record before?
7. When did his mother notice something strange about his height?
8. Who is a fan of Reggaeton music?
9. Who is mischievous and cheeky?
Find all the verbs in past simple:
Write 2 things where you're good and 2 that you are bad, and make 4 new record guiness.
Use comparatives and superlatives talking about this picture:
sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013
viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013
miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013
jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013
A serie of completed activities (Past Simple)
Here you have some activities to train your Past Simple tense!!
Click here to do activities
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Strange_Creatures_of_the_Past_-_The_Spoonbill_Dinosaur.png |
lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013
10 Unfinished works of art
If you are interested in art, watch and read this video
What is your favourite unfinished work of art?
What is your favourite work of art? why?
What is your favourite work of art? why?
Knowing Canada
This is a video related to Canada, the coutry which is up of USA, a beautiful and green colours.
Write the transports which appear in the video
martes, 20 de agosto de 2013
jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013
Reviewing past simple
In this entry we have a lot of new activities and videos to reinforce our knowledge about past simple, take a look:
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Books_of_the_Past.jpg |
domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013
Past simple (writing)
Write a compositions about your last Winter holidays:
What did you do?
Who did you spend these holidays?
When did you go?
Who did you visit?
What presents did you receive?
What did you do?
Who did you spend these holidays?
When did you go?
Who did you visit?
What presents did you receive?
domingo, 28 de julio de 2013
Irregulars verbs
Check this irregular verbs and download it:
List of irregular verbs
List of irregular verbs
Añadir http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tower_Bridge_III._(open)_London_England.jpg |
miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013
domingo, 21 de julio de 2013
Present simple song "He lives in you"
Fill the gaps:
Night and the spirit of life calling mamela And a voice just the fear of a child _______ mamela Ubu khosi bo khokho [This is the throne of our ancestors] We ndodana ye sizwe sonke [Oh, son of the nation)] Wait, there's no mountain too great _______ the words and have faith Have faith He _______ in you He _______ in me He _______ over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we _______ Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He _______ in you He lives in you He ________ in you He ________ in you He lives in you He ________ in you He ________ in me He ________ over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He _______ in you He lives in you He _______ in me He watches over Everything we _______ Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He ________ in you
miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013
Hi!! We have been studying tenses in English like Present Simple, Present Perfect, Future going to. But if you don´t practice this knowledge you will forget all. And that´s a shame. So you have a lot of exercises to do with mixed tenses.
Past Simple Videos
See this videos
Answer these question related with the video:
When can happen past tense?
Answer these question related with the video:
When can happen past tense?
- Tomorrow
- Yesterday
- Last year
Past simple is use for things that are....
- Finished
- Starting
- Doing now
What is the infinitive verb?
- Talk
- To talk
- Talked
What is the past of talk?
- Talk
- Talking
- Talked
What is a consonant?
- A letter that is not a vowel like "a"
- A letter that is not a vowel like "b"
- A letter that is a vowel like "a"
What is the past of study?
- Studyed
- Studed
- Studied
When can you use past simple?
- Habits in the past
- When you tell a story
- Talking about now
viernes, 5 de julio de 2013
The five wh questions (review)
1. Make 6 questions using what, where, what, when, who and how:
2. Correct this wh questions:
a) How is she?
She is Sheila
b) What old are you?
I´m fifteen years old.
c) Who are you?
I´m fine, and you?
d) When time is it?
It´s half past five.
e) How do you live?
I live in Elche
3. Write the name of these songs, they are also the titles' of the song
4. Create your own song title with wh questions:
jueves, 4 de julio de 2013
miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013
lunes, 1 de julio de 2013
Listen the song and find the missing words
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away Now it looks as though they're here to stay Oh, I believe in ________
Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be There's a shadow hanging over me Oh, yesterday _______ suddenly
Why she _______ to go I don't know, she wouldn't say I _______ something wrong Now I long for yesterday
_______ love was such an easy game to play Now I need a place to hide away Oh, I believe in yesterday
Why’d she have to go? I don't know, she wouldn't say I _______ something wrong Now I long for yesterday
Yesterday love was such an easy _______ to play Now I need a _______ to hide away Oh, I believe in yesterday
Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be There's a shadow hanging over me Oh, yesterday _______ suddenly
Why she _______ to go I don't know, she wouldn't say I _______ something wrong Now I long for yesterday
_______ love was such an easy game to play Now I need a place to hide away Oh, I believe in yesterday
Why’d she have to go? I don't know, she wouldn't say I _______ something wrong Now I long for yesterday
Yesterday love was such an easy _______ to play Now I need a _______ to hide away Oh, I believe in yesterday
Interactive game (Present Continuous)
Write in a piece of paper what are the members of this family doing?
An interactive game to practice Present Continuous
More activities
An interactive game to practice Present Continuous
More activities
jueves, 27 de junio de 2013
Present Continuous (listening)
More activities
More activities
1) What´s Sammy doing?
2) What´s Susie doing?
3) What is Tony doing?
4) What is Lizzy doing?
5) What is Lony doing?
The last activity
Here you have games to practice the vocabulary, parts of the body, parts of the day, animals, etc.
Interactive games
Interactive games
miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013
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